Been busy doing I don't know what...being a mama, teacher, wifey...daughter, friend, sister etc. Haven't been feeling too much scrapping mojo lately, only one layout in the past week (I can keep track because I keep all the new ones in a pile to show my mom when she comes over on Sundays, and the pile right now is but one sad and lonely page!). But here are some pages I haven't posted yet...

This is my dad and Chloe...not the greatest pics in the world, but I have been doing so many pages that are JUST Chloe, I wanted to document their relationship as well. I printed right on the Kraft cardstock, love how it looks!

This one is a hot mess...too many patterns and stuff going on...but ya can't love them all, I guess!

My mom bought Chloe these "princess" sunglasses, they're too big, and she's making this face trying to keep them on. D. pointed out that the fabric flowers look like hot-water bottles...doh, I didn't think so until you said that, thanks very much! This one is also for the current prompt at
The Creative Type--see those little scalloped circles--we got those journaling spots (and a coupla cute others as well) in a pdf as a freebie from
Blueberry Freckles--she's sponsoring the prize this week! Coolness, our first product as a DT. You have until midnight, tomorrow (Easter) to submit your page...use the "@" sign on your project!

Ah, I think I'm beginning to see where my inspiration has gone...I made a few pages with pics I wasn't crazy about, and ended up with some layouts I just don't love. It's the scrapper's dilemma: do I document every moment that seems "memorable" regardless of the picture quality, or do I hold out for making pages only with fab. pics that I love? I think I know what the answer's just my ego getting in the way.

This ia a project I did for the
GalBlog--and for Chloe, obviously. This is album #2 of her second year--and she doesn't turn 2 until the end of June...scary, isn't it?
The next 2 are Mrs.Chez lifts...I love them both. Maybe I should just stick to lifting people whose style I admire? It takes so much less thought...

Next are March DT layouts for Sassafrass Vintage Yummy--goodness gracious, patterned paper doesn't get much cuter than this!

This is also in
April's Pagemaps newsletter--Becky was nice enough to feature all the ScrapGals! And possibly my all-time favorite in a while:

That's it for now. If this is your first time visiting (or if you've been quietly lurking), make sure you say "hi" in the comments section!
you know i love these.....
you rock.
Maybe the "no mojo" bug is going around. I don't remember March and now we are almost to the middle of April. Glad to see you back in blogland! Hope you have a great Easter! =)
Look at all these fab layouts. :):)
You have been busy......
I think you should always scrap whatever pic speaks to you, but that's just how I like to do things. I don't scrap every pic or occasion but I also scrap more for myself than to preserve memories for my kiddos. It's a personal decision.
You're doing well for someone who's lost their mojo. I Love all the LOs!! But it is hard to scrap photos that aren't calling out to you!
O my goodness, I love the 'too many books' layout! Mojo comes and goes. Totally understandable. Hope you had a hip-hoppity Easter! *muah!!*
Well then, HI!!! Haven't been around on your blog for a while, lots of new stuff to look at! BTW I'm a girl who doesn't document it all... I'm the one that goes for the nice photo and/or awesome story... uuuhhhm, do I have a big ego now? Guess so ;)
Yeah...Does it help you to know that I am my own Easter Bunny? yeah...I bought my own flip flops. That is the way I like it :) cuts down on any disappointment...Lol!!!
personally, i love all of them!!! the one with chloe and the books is my fave!
Hope you get your mojo back soon, from the looks of those layouts, it cant have gone far!
I love all of these the sweet tooth and the book LOs are my FAVES!!! You are so Awesome!!! :D
BEAUTIFUL work! I love the yo-yo flowers! And the last layout is really stunning!
great work! my daughter just turned 2 yesterday and i have several albums for her already!! :o
i think i'll be lifting some of these!! hope to see you posting more again soon!
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