13 September 2012

Oh, hi...

It has been a while, hasn't it?! Well, I'm going to try and be a better blogger, now that the kiddos are all in school--two are in morning preschool three days a week, and the oldest in all day kindergarten --woohoo! I'm trying out a new to me blogging app on the iPad, so bear with me if this looks a little wonky...I'll get the hang of it eventually.


I'm stopping by just to share a layout I made using the September fitkit from Paper Issues. It's full of everyday eclectic yumminess, and I can see merely using every last scrap of it! You should totally go get yourself one. Like now.

See what I mean? Totally fun. I dont know how to do links yet using this app, but you can get to the store by clicking the logo over there <----- in the sidebar. Oh, and don't forget to save 20 percent by using the code sukeydookiedoo. Sweet.


  1. So much fun! Loving all of the layers!

  2. So glad to see you back! Beautiful kit to work with. Love the layout!
