24 February 2011

Week 8

We had a fab long weekend here at Casa Loca--even managed to sneak in a one-night getaway for me and D.--courtesy of BOTH sets of g-parents babysitting the littles! This was a BIG deal because it's the first night we've had away since well before I had the twins--and so it was also the first night away the babies had from both of us. We all survived, even better, we THRIVED with being able to have some time off from being parents, and the chance to sleep in, and have (multiple) conversations that weren't cut short/interrupted/sidetracked by needy kids.

This weeks self-portrait is D and I on the beach where we stayed overnight. We're dressed crazy because it was FREEZING, so I played with the colors in the photo a bit to give it a 70's feel since our clashing plaids just look insane.
A few more shots from the same 'shoot:'

I had more fun with Instagram on my iphone on the same trip...

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. these pics are awesome!! i love the one of you guys on the beach...so cool and i love the last one of you...you have such a beautiful smile!!!

  2. Gorgeous photos! Need to get an iPhone so I can use that app too!!! LOVE the Beauty and Quite a Grin LOs too- very VERY cute!
