26 January 2011

Week 4

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As weeks go, this one has kicked my ass. Full blown stomach bug for me and D. and all 3 kiddos. Thankfully we had lots of help, and the illnesses were spread out enough so that it was never all 5 of us at the same time. D and I still haven't fully recovered--I don't know if it's from the shock of it all (Little kids and throwing up. It is. That. Bad.), or if it's from some lingering germ waiting to hook it's vicious little claws deeper into our rocked immune systems. Blech.

So, needless to say, nothing crafty, although I have been having fun figuring our some more ins-and-outs of PSE while I work on a Baby Shower Invitation for my nearest-and-dearest. And plotting and planning for that soiree has taken up a bit of my head space (what little there is) as well.

This week's self portrait: Hipstamatic iphone app again, me and Sadie looking woefully bedraggled and wan.

She's just darling, isn't she? And because I can't just post one, here's my second fave from our 'photo-shoot' (ha):

Fuzzier than the first, I know....It's hard holding a baby and your phone while pointing it your own faces and groping for the picture button on the screen. You try it.


  1. hope you all are feeling better! babies and barf...ugghhh not cool! i am loving your pics....i am loving that app..but i totally agree with you that is such a pain trying to hit that button...a bit frustrating and i am not holding a baby!

  2. Sweet pictures. I hope you are all feeling 100% very soon!

  3. So sorry to read that all of you have been so ill. Hoping you are all feeling much better now. Wonderful pix!
