15 November 2010

Happy Birthday, Sadie & Peter!

I wanted to do a Raggedy Anne and Andy theme for Peter and Sadie's birthday, but that pretty much got vetoed by David. The compromise, I guess, was their Halloween costumes, and I used red and turquoise for the party colors. Plus A&A manged to sneak in for the picture ;)
I did their hand prints using poster paints (fun, but MESSY!) for the invitations, then scanned them in along with David's lettering, and threw together an invite in PSE. On the back were the party details, printed on colored cardstock.
I made the name banner using scrapbooking papers (from Jenni Bowlin, 7 gypsies, Sassafrass and Bella Blvd) and letters (Pink Paislee), and stapled each circle to the ribbon using my tiny attacher. Love those itty-bitty staples!

The rosettes for the hats I made the same way, and just applied them to store-bought party hats. You can see the ribbon banner I made a while back in the background (tutorial here), another super quick and simple project.

The kids made toilet-paper tube turkeys, I pre-cut the feathers out of sheets of colored foam, and they went to town. I love the one-eyed guy on the right my nephew Jack made.

Here are Peter and Sadie in all their glory, you can see that the hats were not such a big hit :)
Well, I survived my first year as mother-to-twins! I am so glad to be where we are at, Peter and Sadie are on the cusp of so many exciting things--I love them more every day!


  1. Hey Judean! I have been following your blog, but just not commenting that much. Have been busy these last few months, so you're not the only one lacking comments from me!! :)

    Can't believe they're one!! I remember when you announced your pregnancy, and when you said that you were having twins!!

    Love the decorations you made, and I LOVE your idea for the invites!!

  2. Fantastic Birthday Judean! I especially love the party invites!

  3. Quite a big day in your household! Time flies. Your decorations are precious. Hugs to all your critters!

  4. judean, this isn't for you it's for the kids, so look away...

    happy birthday cuties!! you have a very cool, crafty mama who must have lots and lots of patience....take it easy on her and your big sis chloe....you're both too dang cute....
