26 October 2010

11 & a half months!

Yup, I can't believe it either...Only 2 more weeks until their FIRST birthday!! I gotta get cracking on those party invites :)
These 2 are keeping me busy, now that they're both on the move constantly! Luckily, they love going for walks, so even though it's colder out now, we still can bundle up and get out. Other favorites: taking baths, finger food, Daddy, exploring new places, Mooshi the cat, and the all-time-fave: their big sis. We can hear them talking to one another from their cribs in the morning, it's great that they keep each other entertained! They both say "uh-oh" and love to watch things drop from their cribs or high chairs.
Sadie has gone from staying on her bottom and playing contentedly to moving from sitting to crawling and back again, and up to standing and down again. Those transitions all took awhile, but she is more confident everyday! She is exuberant in the bath, splashing water almost non-stop, and is very interested in trying out new foods, especially whatever Mommy is eating. She is also remarkably laid-back; Peter will take toys from her almost every time, and she is not phased in the least...I wonder how long that will last?

This guy is still a snuggle bug--I have never met a baby quite as affectionate! Peter will burrow in for a hug and pat me on the shoulder repeatedly. Two over-sized stuffed bears are also favorites for snuggling with. He loves looking at books and studying new toys, and is always very interested in whatever either of his sisters is currently playing with. He knows the baby-sign for "more" and uses it frequently during meal time. Still a little shy around new people, he will smile and talk up a storm when comfortable.
"Check out my cool kicks..."


  1. They're growing up so fast! Love the shoes

  2. They are so so cute - such happy little faces and cool shoes! My DH is a twin, and his mother said that he and his twin had their own special language for a while - they would talk and then my DH who was the bigger and stronger one would translate to their mother. Have a great day and thanks for sharing their adorable pix.

  3. Seems like yesterday, wow. I always love hearing about the tribe. Makes me smile.

  4. too freakin cute!! I really want to kidnap them!

  5. 2 more weeks!
    Seems like only yesterday we were in labor...lol...ok, you were in labor.
    They are so fabulous!!
    I love living vicariously through you!!!
