05 December 2008

Fun Stuff Happening Tonight!

We are having an Online Crop over at Scrapgal Tonight and Saturday 7-12midnight (eastern). I have tutorials for not one but TWO holiday projects on Saturday, and the rest of the gals have tons of awesome projects in store as well. Wreaths, advent calendars, ornaments, you name it, we're gonna make it!! Plus games and challenges, and prizes--Gift Cards where you pick out the perfect prize! Here are peekies of my two projects:
Be sure to stop by ScrapGal.com tonight for lots of FUN and CREATIVITY!!


  1. Looks like fun!
    I hope I am home in time.
    Miss ya girlies!

  2. ooh, fun. love those ornaments... my grandmother used to save her christmas cards and cut circles out of them and make them that way. they were absolutely darling!

  3. sorry i missed this! in my feverish haze i totally forgot you'd mentioned it when we chatted last. i hope it was fun!!
